
Production/Produce Scan

Streamline inventory management and ensure complete traceability in today’s edible product market while seamlessly integrating with your existing business operations.

Inventory And Traceability Solutions

T3’s Inventory and Traceability Solutions offer a comprehensive and automated approach to managing inventory, ensuring regulatory compliance, and achieving traceability across every stage of your production process. Our solution simplifies the process of meeting regulatory and traceability requirements while enabling you to deliver quality assurance information to your organization and clientele.

Edi Shipping Transfers

Shipment Validation prior release

Mobile Signature Capture


Elimination of Paper-based Processes: Cut out manual paperwork, reducing administrative time and eliminating human errors associated with manual data entry and documentation. 

Regulatory Compliance and Quality Assurance: Ensure regulatory compliance and maintain quality assurance with real-time reporting, alerts, and notifications, allowing you to stay on top of compliance requirements and quality control. 

Complete Food Traceability: Achieve complete traceability of your products, tracking them in real-time from suppliers to processors/packers, shippers, and clientele, enhancing transparency and accountability. 


Handheld Computers, Bar Code Scanning, RFID, and/or Integration with your existing software systems: Collect and mark data at each stage of the manufacturing process using handheld computers, barcode scanning, RFID technology, or seamless integration with your current software systems. 

Packing Station Solutions: Easily create and mark inventory at packing stations with minimal training required for employees, putting control in the hands of management. 

Real-time Data Collection and Labeling: Collect, edit, and label production and inventory data in real-time, providing complete traceability from start to finish. 

Real-time Reporting: Generate real-time reports accessible via web, mobile, PC, and other devices to gain insights into inventory, traceability, and other key metrics. 

Integrated Vendor Invoicing and Receiving: Seamlessly integrate with popular accounting and inventory management systems such as QuickBooks, Famous, Redwing, and more for efficient vendor invoicing and receiving processes.


How can T3’s Inventory and Traceability Solutions help with regulatory compliance? 

T3’s solutions enable real-time reporting, alerts, and notifications, ensuring you stay on top of compliance requirements. This includes capturing and tracking data at each stage of the manufacturing process and generating reports accessible via web, mobile, PC, and other devices. 

Can the Inventory and Traceability Solutions integrate with our existing software systems? 

Yes, T3’s solutions offer seamless integration with your current software systems, such as accounting and inventory management systems like QuickBooks, Famous, Redwing, and more, enabling efficient vendor invoicing and receiving processes. 

How does the real-time data collection and labeling feature work? 

The real-time data collection and labeling feature allows you to capture, edit, and label production and inventory data in real-time, ensuring complete traceability from start to finish. This enhances transparency and accountability throughout the production process. 

What are the benefits of using T3’s Inventory and Traceability Solutions? 

The benefits include: 

  • Elimination of paper-based processes, reducing administrative time and eliminating human errors associated with manual data entry and documentation. 
  • Ensuring regulatory compliance and maintaining quality assurance through real-time reporting, alerts, and notifications. 
  • Achieving complete traceability of your products, tracking them in real-time from suppliers to processors/packers, shippers, and clientele. 

Can the solutions accommodate different data capture methods? 

Yes, T3’s solutions support various data capture methods, including handheld computers, barcode scanning, and RFID technology, allowing flexibility in collecting and marking data at each stage of the manufacturing process. 

How user-friendly is the interface for T3’s Inventory and Traceability Solutions? 

T3’s solutions are designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring ease of use and intuitive navigation for users. This simplifies the process of managing inventory, capturing data, and generating reports. 

Can the solutions handle high-volume inventory and traceability requirements? 

Yes, T3’s solutions are scalable and can handle high-volume inventory and traceability requirements, making them suitable for businesses of various sizes and production scales. 

Is the solution customizable to our specific industry and business needs? 

Yes, T3’s Inventory and Traceability Solutions are customizable to meet your specific industry and business needs. Our team can work with you to tailor the solution to match your unique requirements. 

If you have any further questions or require additional information, please feel free to reach out to us.